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Metro TV Breaking News on Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) received 8.040 prosecutions concerned Metro TV broadcast about Islam Spirituality (Rohis) and Terrorists. Last time, KPI received notification from Rohis Unions from Jabodetabek and Indonesia Media Watch. Rohis is organization which does Islam activities; usually exist in school or university. KPI had confirmed Metro TV pertaining to dialogue show ‘Cautious New Generation of Terrorist!’ on Saturday, September 15, 2012 ago. Metro TV fulfilled that summons and met KPI on Monday, September 17, 2012 about 12.00 pm.

Coordinator of Broadcasting Contents Division, Nina Mutmainnah stated in the meeting, Metro TV gave clarification about contents of dialogue show. Metro TV also gave a recording and transcripts of the show.

In its clarification, Metro TV admitted that in that show didn’t mention Rohis organization. But, this was different with recording which belongs to KPI that show Rohis mentioned by one of sources. Next, KPI would do research and analysis toward the recording that belongs to KPI with clarification result which delivered by Metro TV.

The decision would decide in plenary meeting that would hold next week. But before that, KPI would make its commission members. KPI would also invite Indonesia Islamic scholar Assembly (MUI) in that meeting.

Indonesia Media Watch requested to KPI to be able give sanction adapt to Statute number 32/2002 article 57, and KPI regulation number 01/P/KPI/03/2012 about Broadcasting Comportment Guidance and also other regulations.

Based on Statute number 32/2002 article 36; paragraph (5) a. Contains of broadcasting are forbidden to do slander, to instigate, to mislead and/or lie. Paragraph (6): contains of broadcasting are forbidden to deride, humiliate, to look down and/or ignore religion values, Indonesia human stature, or deface international relations.

Actually, this press deviation which had done by Metro TV certainly had contravened press regulation: Statute number 32/2002 article 36 paragraph (5) a. and (6) which have discussed before; Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 2, article 3, article 5, and article 11.

Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 2 (Chapter I Personality and Integrity of Journalist):    
 Journalists with full of responsibility and wise consider decent or not to broadcast journalistic product (texts, pictures, voices, also voices and pictures) that can imperil secure and safety of state, unity and uniformity of nation, offend religion feeling, faith or belief a group that protected by statutes.

Regarding the news broadcast that imperil national unity, as well as offending religious, faith or beliefs of a group that is protected by statutes, journalists need to pay attention during this agreement on the issue of ethnic, religion, race, and intergroup in society. Clearly, Indonesian journalists avoid news coverage that can fire conflict of ethnic, religion, race, and intergroup.

As we know, Rohis is an organization that basically does Islam activities. When Metro TV mentioned Rohis as gateway of new generation of terrorist, of course Islam people got angry, especially people who are active in that organization. Public will give wrong interpretation that Rohis as Islamic student organization is organization that create new generation of terrorist.

Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 3 (Chapter I Personality and Integrity of Journalists):  
Journalists don’t report journalistic product (texts, pictures, voices, also voices and pictures) that mislead, distort facts, defamatory, obscene, violent, and sensational.

  1.  The meaning of mislead is news which bewilder, fluster, lie, deceive, or look down ability of public thought.
  2. The meaning of distort facts is obscure or mess up facts about an incident and problem, so public doesn’t get descriptions which are complete, clear, certain, as complete as possible to be able make conclusion and/or decide precise behavior and action.
  3. The meaning of defamatory is making rumors or accusations which are not based on facts or reason that can be responsible.
In this case, Metro TV had trespassed Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 3, because in its breaking news, Metro TV explained about new terrorist recruitment pattern (see picture in page 1) without cited the source. 

Point number 2: Entering to extracurricular program in school mosques added mislead for public and automatically interpreted by public, the extracurricular is Rohis. So, it makes Rohis felt slandered because in fact they don’t execute terrorist recruitments. This interpretation same as Statute number 32/2002 article 36; paragraph (5) a. and paragraph (6).

Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 5 (Chapter II Reporting Procedures):  
Journalists report news in balance and fair, emphasize accuracy than quickness also not mix up between facts and opinion. Texts which contains of interpretation and opinion, reported with clear name of the writer.


  1. The meaning of news which in balance and fair is reporting news that sourced from all kinds of sides who have importance, judgment or point of view in each case proportionally.   
  2. Emphasize accuracy than quickness means every texts, reports, or news broadcasting should always assure correctness and precision of happenings and/or problem that reported
  3. Not mix up facts and opinion, means journalists don’t report their argument as news or facts. If news is written or published as opinion, the news must served by mentioning the writer.
Metro TV in this case exactly doesn’t apply this ethic codes. (See picture) In this breaking news, Metro TV is seemingly show their opinion, because patterns of new terrorist recruitments mention no source, whereas news is not allowed to mix up opinion and facts, moreover make opinion as facts. 

Metro TV also didn’t confirm to Rohis as second side of this problem, so it means the news didn’t cover both side (unbalance). The truth of Metro TV news about pattern of new terrorist recruitment cannot be entrusted, unless Metro TV clarifies to Rohis concern this topic.

Ethic Codes of Journalistic article 11 (Chapter III News Sources): 
Journalists examine correctness of news material and notice credibility also competency of news source. 

  1. News source is guarantor of correctness and accuracy of news material. So, journalists need to ensure news correctness by finding validation of authentic proofs or ensure correctness and accuracy to including sources.
  2. News sources are considered having competence if fulfill these conditions:

a.      Straight evidence
b.   Figure/prominence
c.    Experience
d.   Position/profession
                e.     Proficiency

In news dialogue show, Metro TV exactly presented two news sources, and one of them mentioned about Rohis as gateway of new terrorist recruitments. So, Metro TV made conclusion that Rohis was really gateway of new terrorists. In this case, Metro TV didn’t do examination to accuracy and correctness of their sources and straight to take conclusion.

Credibility of news source also didn’t recheck by them. According to editorial of Metro TV, the broadcast purpose to give caution about danger of terrorism, but if Metro TV reported it tendentiously, it will result public protest.

Metro TV Duty
As soon as possible Metro TV has to clarify this news because KPI had received thousands complaints concern that news. It shows that Metro TV news was really flustering public. Metro TV has to give Answer Right to Rohis as second side of the news and must do correction about the news.     

Adapt to Statute number 40/1999 about Press Article 1 Paragraph 11: Answer Right is people or group’s right to render response or argument toward news that impair their reputes. Paragraph 13: Correction obligation is necessity to do correction toward information, data, facts, opinions, or picture which is not right that have published by the press. 



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